Monday, February 4, 2019

Matthew's FanimeCon 2018 Report: Part 6 - Day Four & Epilogue

Usually by now, the last 12 hours of FanimeCon looks something like this:
  • Clean your hotel room out
  • Check out of said hotel room
  • Load up the car again but much easier from when you first loaded it up
  • Do one last sweep of the Dealers Hall and Artists Alley
  • Realize that the myth about the final day sales doesn't hold true anymore in today's modern eCommerce 
  • Say goodbye to friends and colleagues
  • Maybe cosplay
  • Go have a heavy dinner before going home (i.e KBBQ or sushi) with said friends and/or colleagues or by yourself
  • Pass out
  • Realize that you have unpacking and laundry to do
  • Go back to work Tuesday morning
After all these years you would think that tradition would change.

Some things just don't.

The crowds outside on the final day
Asking the real questions that the attendees care about

FanimeCon merchandise booth
My new photographer, Chika

I told Wendell that I would be back in 2019 for the 25th anniversary of FanimeCon aka the silver anniversary. However, that is in doubt due to new commitments I have put forward with SacAnime and their decision to hold their last convention in the Sacramento Convention Center ahead of their usual date to beat out the construction on the renovation; I have to see how finances and time off will work out and if I could sustain two weekends worth of conventions in a short amount of time.

I always seen FanimeCon has my second hometown convention, something that I have said year after year. And each time I go it truly does feel like one, with the attendees and staffing acting as one big family who all decided to attend a family reunion masquerading as an anime convention.

Hopefully I can be here this time next year to celebrate with my family.

私のレポートを 読むためにありがとう。
Thank you for reading my report.

- Day Four & FanimeCon 2018 Report End -

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