Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reporting on Subcultures Gone Wrong

There's always been interest in the subculture of Japanese and American animation and everything associated with it which includes dressing up in cosplay and attending conventions.

Stories from news outlets such as KTLA's Hatsune Miku concert during Anime Expo reminds us that these stations won't be perfect in reporting these stories - see their mispronunciations. However, as you will see in these two clips, Russia Today (known as RT for short) reports on Comic Con in an angle that I've never seen before, and it will probably be the last time I want to see it that way.

As you can probably see, there's a lot of misconceptions and stereotyping with a solution that sounds really dumb. But don't let my opinion be your opinion - you be the judge on these videos.

UPDATE 7/29: The interviewer behind the story has posted this video, explaining all the Twitter hate she got for the story and what seems like a PR move to save face by backpedaling.

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