Sunday, January 16, 2011

ALA 7 (2011) Report: Part 5 - Sunday (Day Three)

I woke up the same time I woke up yesterday - 8am - despite getting little sleep, around less than four hours. I take off to get a Burger King breakfast before the Hetalia Gathering at 10am. This and clearing out the room for check-out were the two more important events of the day.

I go back upstairs to clean the room up for a bit before heading back down to rejoin Ryan who was looking for some photographers. Eventually we took photos of ourselves.

Lucas already cleared out his stuff before check-out, and Zanney and Avi trusted our items because they were at the Hetalia History panel. So we hauled everything without a bellhop in time to beat out check-out.

For the time being we enjoy the last day of ALA 2011. I take one last look around the pool deck and hit up the con suite one last time. I also partake in the Masquerade Feedback panel and the Banzai Arcade panel which I got myself handed to by a game of Shaq Fu. I wish I had gotten Dig Dug II.

I also attend closing ceremonies since I didn't attend this year's opening ceremonies.

The only thing left to do was the Regency Dance where I learned some old-school ballroom dance. I also had the opportunity to pick up five of the six photos that were on the wall as I was ok with someone else who was in the cosplay chess photo to take it.

At this point we're a bunch of hungry attendees, so we take off back to Woodland Hills for some In-N-Out before crashing at Zanney's house for a night. I start to work on my photo coverage while we have fun tagging each other on Facebook.

-Day Three & Anime Los Angeles 2011 End-

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