I treat my roommate to the breakfast buffet down at the Arcadia Restaurant, which was really good for the price that I paid.

Then I spend more time at Stage Zero, doing one last game - musical chairs, which I got bumped off. I really didn't have good position, which left me open to me being bumped off.
With Dealers Hall and Artists Alley open for one last day, I go and see if anyone did claim the prize. The lady said someone did, so I tweeted to find the person to win. In fact, DarkMiko claimed it the minute after I left. According to the lady, she was very excited when she came down to claim the prize.
Around 11am, the last Halko Momoi autograph session is about to begin. Since I won the Charity Auction yesterday, I get a fast track to the autograph session. It was very awesome, chilling with Momoi getting autographs and getting my picture taken with her. I would post that picture here, but I'm keeping that to myself.
I stuck around the con for a bit for realizing that I'm all tapped out, and I need to get home while I can see while being tired before it gets dark - I learned this last year during the Fanime Forums panel.
I did make a stop at SVGL since I was 6 stars away from ranking up in MT3DX, but no dice.
After taking a nap at my roommates house, I finally got back home to Sacramento just as the sun was going down.
After nearly 3 days of being away from home, I was finally back home.

-Day 4 & FanimeCon 2009 End-
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